We’re thrilled and proud (but honestly, not too surprised) to hear that Chincoteague Island won a spot in the TripAdvisor top 10 U.S. islands in the 2013 Traveler’s Choice Awards. TripAdvisor is a popular, online, destination-review site whose reviews help travelers from all over the world determine where to go, stay, and what to do for the optimum vacation value.
Every year, TripAdvisor collates the results of millions of reviews submitted by their users to determine the recipients of their valued Travelers’ Choice® awards. With categories like Hotels, Attractions, Beaches, and Islands, there’s a whole lot of competition out there – just think of the number of vacation islands! – yet Chincoteague Island was one of the 10 U.S. islands selected, beating out Key West, Amelia Island, and the big island of Hawaii!
Given the history of our island with its fishing and oystering, the boisterous art culture that flourishes here, the colorful, down home fun of our seasonal festivals, the wonder of our incredible wildlife, and the simple friendliness exuded by our community, it’s no wonder that so many have found us to be a destination worth visiting, returning to, and crowing about.
As a bed and breakfast here on the island, I can’t tell you how great it feels to be part of our special, island community and to be able to share it with so many wonderful visitors. The unspoiled beauty of our island, including the wild ponies of the Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge and our small yet welcoming community generates return visits and new fans with every passing season, and we are thankful that their thoughtful comments and reviews have bestowed upon us such an honor. Thank you!
2013 Travelers’ Choice Winners
To view the complete list of 2013 Travelers’ Choice Winners, please visit: www.tripadvisor.com/TravelersChoice